Spring yogurt

Do you know the difference between winter yogurt and spring yogurt?

Spring yogurt is cuter.

The orginal how-to is here with all the details. But a quick run-down of the process, lest you be afraid:

  1. Heat a quart of milk to 180, add 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 dry milk, plus vanilla or maple syrup to flavor
  2. Let it cool to <120 (assuming you’re using pasteurized milk, you can technically just heat it to 120 and go from there, but I find it doesn’t thicken up quite as nicely that way)
  3. Add yogurt starter: 2 Tbsp. of yogurt containing live active cultures (ideally, 2 Tbsp. you saved from your last batch of yogurt; it freezes great in ice cube trays) and stir
  4. Pour into your very cutest containers and incubate at around 115 or so for four to six hours — I do this by lining a dutch oven with a heating pad set to low, then setting the jars in it and putting the lid on. If you want to make super-cute spring yogurt, add a couple drops of food coloring in each jar, stir to combine, then proceed with your incubation

That’s it! This is worlds better and cheaper than store-bought, and you can easily strain it to make it Greek-style if your little heart desires.

9 thoughts on “Spring yogurt

  1. Sweet! those are so pretty. John is looking into cheese making. I will keep you up to date on it. UMMMMMM

    Ooh let me know!

  2. Cute! I wonder if there’s a natural way to color them without food coloring?
    I was looking for answers for this and found this link — for Easter eggs, though. Some of those you wouldn’t want to use… red onion yogurt anyone? 😉 But I bet some of them could translate okay!

  3. I bet using food based food colors would work for the natural color Stephanie. Cant help, but think beets… prettiest darn root vegetable no matter how gnarly they look.
    I bet that would work! I believe Stoneyfield uses beets for their yogurt coloring, actually.

    Definitely going to try this. Did once and failed… but I’m up for round two!
    You can do it!!! Let me know how it goes. 🙂 I think the most common mistake is putting the yogurt starter in when the milk is still too hot. Make sure it’s under 120 and stays under 120 and you should be fine. Come back and update!

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