
Ah, summer. Does it get prettier than this?

I picked these up over the weekend and just could not decide what to do with them. Strawberry scones? Strawberry shortcake? What about strawberry shortcake cookies?

Decisions, decisions.

In the end, I cut them up like this: And I ate them.

Every single one.

Just like that.

So now I clearly need to go buy more strawberries, and maybe actually make something with them this time.

What will you be doing with strawberries this summer?

17 thoughts on “Strawberries!

  1. Strawberry season for us is past – yummy South Florida berries arrive in January 🙂

    But I enjoyed milkshakes, fresh berries and berries with whipped cream. YUM!

  2. I found a strawberry salsa recipe that’s amazing! Who woulda thought strawberries in salsa would be good…but they are, trust me.

    Of course I don’t rmr which blog I found the recipe on, but here it is:

    Strawberry Salsa

    1 quart strawberries, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

    1 tablespoon minced jalapeno pepper(with seeds)

    1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion

    1/2 cup chopped cilantro

    1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon sugar

    Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl.

    Makes 2 cups

    This never would have occurred to me, but YUM! Thanks!! ~OPK

  3. I’m with you—I can’t get enough of these strawberries. (and your pictures are just gorgeous!) I did strawberry/basil margaritas & a strawberry salad last week on my blog, and made a strawberry/champagne granita this weekend…like a grownup snow cone for Memorial day! I also love popovers with strawberry butter. really, can one go wrong with fresh summer strawberries?

  4. Strawberry jam! We eat lots of strawberry jam, so i’ll be making over 25 pints of strawberry jam and freezing several gallonzip-lock bags of washed berries. For fresh strawberries..nothing beats berries and yogurt.

  5. Ah I had exactly the same dilemma… one kilo of strawberries and no idea what to do with them, so I did exactly the same thing. It’s good when they’re fresh!

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